DIY American Girl Pet Food and Water Bowl

Hi everyone! Since I just got the AG Corgi Puppy, I will be doing a lot of pet-themed crafts. The first of these is this food and water bowl!

Materials Needed:

  • Craft Paint
  • Puffy Paint
  • Beads
  • Hot Glue
  • Plastic Container with Two Compartments In It


  • I used this snack container
  • I didn’t have any brown beads, but if you do they would be good to use.

To start, take your container and paint it the color of your choice.002013

For the food, trace one side of the container onto brown foam four times (more or less, depending on how large your container is.).021

Hot glue the foam pieces together.022

Gluethe foam inside the container.023

Drizzle red, orange, and brown puffy paint onto the foam. You could also do other dark colors if yo want a different kind of dog or cat food.030

Add red, orange and brown beads, or whatever colors you want your dog or cat food to be.031

To make the water, just fill the other side of the container with hot glue.024

To finish, write your pets name on the edge with puffy paint.009

And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed!!

American Girl Corgi Puppy Review

Hi everyone! The AG Corgi Puppy has just arrived, and as I said, I will be doing a review of it, so, here it is!


The puppy comes in the purple AG Truly Me box. It retails for $28, but right now it is on sale for $14.


Here it is in the box.


This is what it looks like when you take it out of the box. The magnetic bone is in a plastic bag and is rubber-banded to its leg.



The bone is adorable! It has a cute little heart and paw print design on one side, and the dog can really hold it in his mouth!





Unfortunately, there is a really long, pesky tag on its hind leg.


One of my favorite things about this dog is that its legs really move! So you can make your dog lie down, or run, or do whatever you want! However, the downside to this is that the dog is hard-bodied, so it’s not plush like the BeForever pets.



There is a cute star graphic on its hind leg.


And that’s it! All in all, a really cute pet! The sale is a really good deal for great quality! Also, I have decided to name the dog Hunter! Stay tuned for more pet-themed crafts!


DIY American Girl Elmer’s Glue Bottle

Hi Guys! School’s coming soon, right? I feel like summer just started yesterday! Well, or dolls need to be prepared for the school year (and so do I, but I prefer not to think about such miserable things as math class), so today I will show you how to make a bottle of Elmer’s glue for your American Girl Dolls!

Materials Needed:

  • Small, Flat Bottle with a Cap like a Puffy Paint Cap (a bottle of eye drops works well)
  • Mod Podge
  • Orange Craft Paint
  • glue labels


  • If your bottle has the wrong kind of cap, you can hot glue on a puffy paint cap.

To start, take your bottle and peel off the labels. Then paint it white.


Then cut out two of the printables. Make sure they are the same. For example, if you are making Elmer’s Glue-All instead of school glue, you would cut out two printables for Glue-All instead of one for Glue-All and one for school glue.


Now Mod Podge the printables onto the front and back.004

Paint the top orange, and you are done!006

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

AG Corgi Puppy

Hi everyone! OK, so I may seem either too excited or not excited enough (depends on which way you look at it), but I’M GETTING THE AG CORGI PUPPY!!!ag corgi puppy


So. Once it arrives, I will be doing a review of it. Also, I have no idea WHAT to name it (it will be a boy, though), so please comment with suggestions!!! Thanks y’all and bye for now!

American Girl School Folder

Hi guys! Sorry I have not been posting so much. Unfortunately, I also will not be posting very often during the school year, but I hope to post at least once a week. Sorry about this, but thanks for sticking with me guys! Today I am going to show you how to make a school folder for your dolls.

Materials Needed:

  • Cardstock
  • Stickers
  • Hot Glue

To start, cut a rectangle of cardstock the size you want your folder to be. Fold it in half.001

Now cut a strip of cardstock just as long and half as wide as the rectangle you just cut.003

Cut it in half.004

Cut on of the corners off of each one.005

Glue the outside edges of the cardstock to the cardstock rectangle, the sides I’m pointing to. Repeat with the other piece of cardstock.006

Decorate the outside of the folder, and voila! You have an adorable school folder for your American Girl dolls!031

DIY American Girl Pencils

Hi everyone! Today I am going to show you how to make pencils for your dolls.

Materials Needed:

  • Barbecue Skewers
  • Craft Paint
  • Eraser from the Top of an Old Pencil
  • Nail File
  • Hot Glue
  • Silver Duct Tape

To start, take your skewer and cut off about two inches, or however long you want your pencil to be. If you want to use the rest of the skewer instead of just cutting the pointy end off of lots of skewers, you can just sand the end with a nail file. Repeat for as many pencils as you want.


Now you can paint the pencils.016

Cut an eraser off of an old pencil.017

Cut the eraser into fourths.018

Glue one of the eraser pieces to one of the pencils.019

Wrap silver duct tape around the spot where the eraser and pencil join.020

For added detail you can write “No. 2” on the pencil and the brand that made it.021

And you’re done! Hope you enjoyed!